Get In The Best Shape Of Your Life.
Guest Column By: Barbara Carnahan
Barbara Carnahan | Photo by Izzie Cervantes
I woke up one morning in December & decided I had enough...
I was flabbier than ever & the extra weight around my belly wanted to become my life partner. More concerning was the fatigue, brain fog, headaches & joint pain. ENOUGH WAS ENOUGH. I was done feeling like an 80-year old in my 36-year old body. I made a decision that day that 2019 was going to be the year I would, “Get in the BEST shape of my life.” And so I have (still working toward it!) & I haven’t turned back.
"Maybe you’re sitting in that spot too. The 'I guess this is just how it’ll be' spot, where hope is stolen & you’ve given up."
I’m here to tell you, it’s not too late. It’s not too late for you to be in the best shape or the best health of your life. You are WORTHY of good health & before I get you too pumped up & you run off & sign up at the gym or prime some supplements, here’s what the 1st step takes: A DECISION & A COMMITMENT TO YOURSELF.
If you called your best friend & told her you’d meet her somewhere, would you show? HECK YES. If you were getting ready with your best friend, would you tell her how fat she looked in that outfit? HECK NO. But most of us, if we were honest, have totally done this to ourselves. And it’s where the golden ticket lies—women who become their own best friend succeed in health & women who don’t, don’t. So let’s change this!
The very first step to becoming your own best friend is to stop nitpicking at your flaws. Every part of you was created perfectly & just for you. OWN IT GIRL! If it’s your stomach or your nose or your thighs where you’re your own worst critic, change those thoughts to “I love my body, I love my body, I love my body!” I know, it sounds silly, but it is science backed & it WORKS. Start here—by simply stopping the critical thoughts & loving on yourself. Over time, you’ll be shocked at how this truly changes your self-confidence, which then allows you to succeed with getting healthy.
The second step is to be proud of every little win. Who doesn’t like to celebrate with their BEST FRIEND?!? You chose salmon & steamed broccoli over chicken fried chicken—CELEBRATE. You walked the dog instead of sitting on the couch—CELEBRATE. You chose to look at how beautiful you are in the mirror instead of being critical—CELEBRATE. The more positive thoughts & momentum you create around becoming the healthiest version of yourself, the more you’ll believe it & will stick to it.
You are worthy of being in the best shape of your life. You ARE worth the time & effort to become your own best friend. You are deserving of energy to chase around your kids & grandkids. You ARE going to get your health back & it’s going to start with you simply loving the rad woman you are! It’s not too late.
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